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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Canopea Srl, creator and promoter of the activities available on the website, reserves the right to use the personal data provided voluntarily by users, in compliance with current regulations (Art. 13 et seq. Legislative Decree 196/2003).

Users are therefore invited to visit this page periodically to keep abreast of changes relating to changes in current legislation.

Canopea Srl guarantees to its users that the personal data provided will be used only for the provision of its services, for facilitation of site management and for the execution of orders.

The data voluntarily provided by users, will never be communicated or disclosed to third parties.

In case of credit card payment, the provided information essential for the success of the transaction (debit / credit card number, expiration date, security code) will be transmitted to the responsible party (in this case PayPal). This information will never be seen seen or stored by the vendor.

Canopea Srl adopts appropriate security measures in order to minimize the risks of destruction or loss of data, unauthorized access or not allowed treatment that is not in accordance with the purposes set out in our Privacy Policy.

However, Canopea Srl can not guarantee to its users that the measures taken for the security of the site and the transmission of data and information on the site are able of limiting or excluding any risk of unauthorized access or loss of data from the user’s devices. For this reason, we recommend site users to make sure their computer is equipped with appropriate software for the protection of network data transmission (such as updated antivirus) and that their Internet service provider has taken appropriate measures for the security of the transmission of data in the network.
Canopea Srl informs that Users may exercise the rights provided in Article 7 of Legislative Decree 196/2003, set forth below in its essential part.

Users have the right to request to Canopea Srl the following information:
1. confirmation of the existence or not of personal data;
2. the clear communication of data and their source;
3. the reason and purpose of their existence and use.

The request for the above mentioned information may be renewed with a minimum interval of 90 days, except for those cases where there is just cause: cancellation or modification of data in case of law violation, and cancellation of  data that is not usable for the reasons for which they were collected.

According to this Article, users have the right to request cancellation, transformation into anonymous form or blocking of data processed in violation of the law, and be in opposition in any case, for legitimate reasons, to their treatment. All requests should be sent via email to 

Having read the above mentioned information, and after checking the individual boxes related to the Processing of Personal Data being recorded, you give your consensus to the processing of personal data  for:

– Sending information about goods and services and promotional activities of Strabuono also through third parties, by mail, email, SMS and telephone;

– Market research on consumption, with the creation of individual or group profiles also in order to customize offers and propose goods and / or products which best suit the personal preferences of consumers;

– Communication of data to strabuono partners for informational and/or promotional activities.

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