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Hemp Bio

Hemp seeds contain all the 8 essential amino acids for the synthesis of proteins very important for our organism. I semi contengono tutti gli 8 amminoacidi essenziali per la sintesi delle proteine da parte del nostro organismo. They have also a perfect combination essential fatty acids (EFA), important for our body including the Omega 6 and Omega 3 very important in the prevention of heart and skin disease.,

They are rich in Vitamins A (beta carotene), B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B6 (pyridoxine), B9 (folic acid), C (ascorbic acid), D3 (calciferol), Vitamin E (tocopherol , natural antioxidant), minerals (iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus), roughage and phospholipids, such as lecithin and phytosterols globulins and edestin

Hemp seed Bio

In comparison to other oleaginous fruits such as hazelnuts, almonds, walnuts and so on. The hemp oil has great benefits. Hemp seeds contain about 75% of essential fatty acids of which 15-20% alpha-linolenic acid of type omega 3, this often little but essential part of our diet.

Seed protein also contain all the essential amino acids that makes easy their assimilation.

Hemp Oil Bio

In our daily food the assumption regular Hemp Seed Oil Bio helps to reduce blood levels of non-HDL cholesterol and the triglycerides, also decreases the level of platelet aggregation and has a strong cardio-protective properties that helps after damage to the myocardium.


The use of organic hemp oil was effective in relieving symptoms of respiratory disease (asthma, rhinitis, sinusitis, ear infections and respiratory allergies); or to treat arthritis, atopic eczema, herpes, dermatitis, immune system diseases, epilepsy, rheumatoid arthritis, premenstrual syndrome.

In recent times it is also using for treating the chemotherapy symptoms, anti-AIDS therapy and prevention of cardiovascular disease.

Grani Antichi Bio

The “grani antichi” are historically processed through stone grinding for that reason the flour is less refined the traditional one. For that reason it is considered semi-integral, preserving fully the nutritional properties present in the bean.

The ancient grains keep a balance between the presence of starch and gluten presence, minimizing the amount of this protein, for this reason this flour and its derivatives are light and highly digestible. The ancient grains are suitable for all types of preparation, and are also to be integrated in children.

Durum Wheat Senatore Cappelli Bio

Ancestor of modern durum wheat, durum triticum Senatore Cappelli contains a higher percentage of lipids, amino acids, vitamins and minerals with a very high digestibility. It is also an excellent substitute in the preparation of all products made from traditional wheat, adding more authenticity and taste of a product with its natural characteristics.

Wheat Gentil Rosso Bio

With the methods of modern grinding fact, the wheat germ, the volatile aromatic substances and the thermosensitive elements such as enzymes and vitamins they are lost, as well as flavour and authenticity. Gentil Rosso is grinded by the millers of STRAbuono with stone mills in small quantities, so the freshness of the flour and the aromatic substances and organoleptic not are dispersed.

Farro Bio

Farro consumption, preferably integral, is recommended along with legumes and can help in case of constipation due to its laxative properties and is also helpful in digestive and liver diseases.

Farro contain gluten as the common wheat. It is not recommended for those who suffer from celiac disease or intolerance to this element and must therefore follow a gluten-free diet. People who are allergic to wheat proteins could instead tolerate farro proteins, which are easier to digest.

Nessun alimento può essere paragonato alla canapa per il valore nutritivo. Mezzo chilo di semi di canapa fornisce tutte le proteine, gli acidi grassi essenziali e la fibra necessari alla vita umana per 2 settimane.