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Ricetta del giorno

Vegan hemp Orecchiette with spinach and peas

ready in
35 minutes



Wash in fresh water the spinach and cut it.

Pour them in a pan with extravirgin olive oil, salt and red chili pepper.

Cooked the spinach for 10 minutes and after put them in a bowl.

Cook the peas in a pan with half glass of white wine by adding a pinch of natural salt and pepper. When the wine has completely evaporated, add up the oil and after 2 minutes add the spinach cooked previously. Mix everything and cook for 5 minutes.

Reduce heat to low and remove half of spinach and peas pouring in a blender.

Blend for 1 minute adding rice milk until you have obtained a cream, then add the cream to the rest of the vegetableas in the pan.

Add the black olives private core and cook for 2 minutes.

Cook the Orecchiette pasta for 8 minutes in salted boiled water.

When Orecchiette will be ready, add them in the pan with sauce cooking for 2 minutes.

Turn off the heat and pour the hemp oil combining.

Serve this tasty first super nutritious, will give you the energy to the rest of the day.

Ingredienti per 4 persone

250 gr Hemp Orecchiette Strabuono
150 gr peas
150 gr spinach
10 black olives
1 red hot pepper
2 tablespoons hemp oil
½ cup white wine
2 cups rice milk
To taste extra virgin olive oil


Nessun alimento può essere paragonato alla canapa per il valore nutritivo. Mezzo chilo di semi di canapa fornisce tutte le proteine, gli acidi grassi essenziali e la fibra necessari alla vita umana per 2 settimane.