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Ricetta del giorno

Vegan carbonara

ready in
30 minutes



Wash the zucchini and cut into thin strips; cook them in a pan with a little oil and add the grated ginger and a teaspoon of anise seeds and turmeric.

Cook the pasta in a pot of salted water.

When the zucchini are cooked, after about 10 minutes, sprinkle over hemp and millet flour adding a ladle of pasta cooking water and cook for 2 minutes.

This will give you a delicious creamy sauce to flavor your pasta.

When the noodles are cooked, after about six minutes, let them jump in a pan with the cream.

If the cream with zucchini is too thick, add more water to cook the pasta.

Flavored and garnish your plate with a few thyme leaves and yeast flakes.

Mix well and serve.

Delicious and especially #strabuono here’s to you an alternative to traditional carbonara vegan and super light.

Ingredienti per 4 persone

250 gr Tagliolini Senatore Cappelli Strabuono
2 italian zucchini
1 small piece fresh ginger
to taste aniseed
to taste Extra virgin olive oil
1 teaspoon hemp flour
1 teaspoon millet flour
2 pinches turmeric
to taste nutritional yeast flakes
to taste thyme


Nessun alimento può essere paragonato alla canapa per il valore nutritivo. Mezzo chilo di semi di canapa fornisce tutte le proteine, gli acidi grassi essenziali e la fibra necessari alla vita umana per 2 settimane.