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Recipe of the day

Tofu with chili pepper and hulled hemp seed

ready in
15-20 minutes



Wash and peel the carrot, cut them into small pieces.

Cook the carrots in a pan with oil and a small cup of water for 5 minutes (Attention : Cook over moderate heat!)

Cut red pepper into small pieces and put them in a bowl.

When carrots are half cooked, combine the red peppers in the pan and cook them for 5 minutes. Then add salt and spicy pepper.

Wash and cut the Tofu into small cubes.

Put tofu in the pan with the vegetables mixture and cook for 5 minutes adding oil.

Wash the rocket salad, cut it and put on the tofu.

Serve the tofu with vegetables and sprinkle 2 teaspoons of hulled hemp seeds on top of the dish.

Ingredienti per 4 persone

360 g Tofu
4 Red or yellow pepper
8 teaspoons Hulled hemp seeds
6 Carrots
Just enough Olive Oil
1 Spicy pepper
1 Bunch of rocket

Nessun alimento può essere paragonato alla canapa per il valore nutritivo. Mezzo chilo di semi di canapa fornisce tutte le proteine, gli acidi grassi essenziali e la fibra necessari alla vita umana per 2 settimane.