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Recipe of the day

Hemp Orecchiette with almonds and green cauliflower (broccoli)

ready in
35 minutes



Take a large pot of salted water and boil it. We will use it for both cooking pasta and the broccoli.

Cut the broccoli heads into small chunks and wash them in fresh water.

Put the broccoli chunks in the boiling water and cook them until tender. Drain and put them in a pot.

Pay attention: don’t throw the broccoli boiling water away!

Cook the pasta into broccoli boiling water.

Take a pan and fry the garlic in the oil, take care that it does not get brown or black.  Add the spicy red pepper and the cooked broccoli.

Crush almonds coarsely. Toast them until the almonds are golden and fragrant for a few minutes in a pan.

Drain the pasta and toss it with the broccoli mixture, adding oil.

Cut tomatoes in 4 pieces and add it to the pasta; sprinkle golden almonds over the pasta before serving.

Ingredienti per 4 persone

500 g Green cauliflower
350 g Hemp orecchiette
Just enough Olive oil
1 Garlic clove
1 Spiced red pepper
1 handful Kernels of almonds
10-15 Small cherry tomatoes

Nessun alimento può essere paragonato alla canapa per il valore nutritivo. Mezzo chilo di semi di canapa fornisce tutte le proteine, gli acidi grassi essenziali e la fibra necessari alla vita umana per 2 settimane.