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Ricetta del giorno

Hemp Trofie with ricotta cheese and arugula

ready in
25 minutes



Take a large pot of salted water and cook hemp trofie for about 5 minutes.

Cook in a large pan the olive oil with turmeric and red chilli pepper. Then pour the ricotta and stir gently mix everything.

When trofie are cooked, pour them into the pan with the sauce and a ladle of cooking water cooking.

Wash the arugula with fresh water and cut it in small pieces, adding to the pasta.

Continue cooking for a few minutes adding 2 ladles of cooking water (if it is necessary), until the Trofie will be well mixed with the sauce.

A fast and fresh recipes ideal for the first days of spring

Ingredienti per 4 persone

250 gr hemp trofie Strabuono
2 bunches fresh arugula
250 gr ricotta cheese
2 tablespoons entire hemp seeds
1/2 red hot pepper
to taste extra virgin olive oil
to taste turmeric


Nessun alimento può essere paragonato alla canapa per il valore nutritivo. Mezzo chilo di semi di canapa fornisce tutte le proteine, gli acidi grassi essenziali e la fibra necessari alla vita umana per 2 settimane.